September 2019 – ongoing. Junior Scientist

Research project: adaptive management of hunted species

• Role:  developping statistical analyses and research for the management of hunted species, scientific secretary for the french commitee on adaptive hunting management.

• Lab: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), UMS Patrinat  


June 2016 – August 2019. Scientific and technical Officer 

Research project: pelagic fisheries stock assessments and conservation

• Role: improving and developing statistical methods used for the management of pelagic fisheries (sharks species, boarfish, tuna species…) and participating to relevant ICCAT and ICES meetings including coordinating and performing assessments.

• Lab: Marine Institute  

• Manager: Andrew Campbell   


January 2016 – June 2016. Scientific and technical Officer 

Research project: inshore fisheries stock assessments and conservation

• Role: managing NATURA 2000 data, performing quantitative assessments and forecasting of the impact of fishing gears on Natura 2000 sensitive habitats, publishing results in reports and scientific journals.

• Lab: Marine Institute  

• Manager: Oliver Tully  


March 2015 – December 2015. Scientific and technical Officer 

Research project: Improving the Bayesian model used to manage the Boarfish Fishery

• Role: improving the models used to manage boarfish, assessing population sizes of shark species, participating to ICES group for subsequent management of stocks, communicating the results in reports.  

• Lab: Marine Institute  

• Manager: Maurice Clarke   


December 2013 - December 2014. Scientific and technical Officer 

Research project: Improving the management of Irish salmon population

• Role: advancing the development of a fully hierarchical model for the management of Irish salmon population and communicating about progresses in several workshops and seminars together with report and publication writing.

• Lab: Marine Institute  

• Supervisor: Jonathan White   


May 2012 - August 2013. NRC postdoctoral associate 

Research project: metapopulation structure for the conservation of Oncorhynchus species

• Role: importance of metapopulation structure for the conservation of Oncorhynchus species.

• Lab: NOAA fisheries / Northwest Fisheries Science Center of Seattle 

• Supervisors: Eric J. Ward , Eli Holmes  , Mark D. Scheuerell 




Ph.D in biology, University of Rennes 1 (May 2011)

• Research: changes in French Atlantic salmon (S. salar L.) population and climate change 

• Lab: UMR INRA/Agrocampus Ouest 985 ESE (Ecology and Health of Ecosystems) 

• Ph.D. director: Jean-Luc Baglinière 

• Ph.D. co-directors: Etienne Rivot    & Etienne Prévost  


Master degree in Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution, Paris-sud XI University (2007)

• 2nd year training

ο Research : Changes in potentially stressful climatic conditions for the population of Atlantic salmon of the Nivelle River

ο Lab : UMR INRA / UPPA 1224 Ecobiop (Behavioral Ecology and Fish Population Biology) 

ο Supervisor : Etienne Prévost    

• 1st year training

ο Research: Reflection and field work for the establishment of biodiversity monitoring of natural and highway stormwater ponds

ο Lab : CESCO (Centre for Ecology and Conservation Sciences) 

ο Supervisors : Christian Kerbiriou  & Isabelle le Viol