Bal, G., Scheuerell, M.D., Ward, E.J. (2018). Characterizing the strength of density dependence in at-risk species through Bayesian model averaging. Ecol. Model. 381, 1–9.
Bal G., Montorio L., Baglinière J.-L., Prévost E., Rivot E. &Nevoux M. (2017). Evidence of long-term change in length, mass and migration phenology of anadromous spawners in French Altantic salmon Salmo salar L.. Journal of Fish Biology 90 (6), 2375-2393
Kraak S., Reid D. G., Bal G., Barkai A, Codling E. A & Kelly C. F. (2015). RTI outperforms traditional management in simulated mixed fisheries and cases incorporating protection of vulnerable species and areas. Journal of Fisheries research 172, pp 209-244.
Bal G., Rivot E., Baglinière J.-L., White J. & Prévost E. (2014). A hierarchical bayesian model to quantify the uncertainty of stream water temperature forecasts. Plos One 9 (12), e115659.
Cote J., Roussel J.M., Le Cam S., Bal G. & Evanno G. (2012). Populations differences in response to hypoxic stress in Atlantic salmon. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25, pp 2596-2606.
Bal G., Rivot E., Prévost E., Piou C. & Baglinière J.-L. (2011). Effect of water temperature and density of salmonid juveniles on growth of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.. Journal of Fish Biology 78, pp 1002-1022.
En préparation
Bal G., Minto C., Clarke M. & Tully O.. Zero inflated data : what if both zero proportions and positive counts means correlate to biomass ? To be submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Bal G., O’Sullivan R., de Eyto E., Dillane M., Kane A., McGinnity P., Reed T. E. & Campbell. A.. Bayesian forecasting and hindcasting of daily stream temperature, a tool for ecologist. To be submitted to PlosOne.
Bal G., Ward E. J., Scheuerell M. D. & Holmes E. E.. Impact of phenotypic variations and human conservation actions on Chinook salmon straying probability. To be submitted to Biological Conservation.
Van Baaren J., Baglinière J-L., Martignac F., Bal G., Le Lann C. & Roussel J.-M. (2012). Perturbations des habitats et chaînes trophiques dans les écosystèmes continentaux aquatiques et terrestres. In " Changement climatique dans l'Ouest. Evaluation, impacts et perceptions", P. Mérot, V. Dubreuil, D. Delahaye et P. Desnos, Collection "Espaces et territoires", Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 265-289.
ICCAT (2018). Report of the working group on stock assessment methods. 06-11 May 2016, Madrid, Spain.
ICES (2017). Report of the Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks. 30 August - 5 September, Copenhagen, Denmark
ICCAT(2017). Report of the Albacore species group intersessional meeting. 04-09 June 2017, Madrid, Spain.
MERC Consultants & Marine Institute (2016). The Impacts of Potting for Shrimp (Palaemon serratus) on seagrass and maërl habitats in Roaringwater Bay.
Apostolidis et al. (2015). Best practices for the provision of prior information for Bayesian stock assessment. ICES cooperative research report.
ICES(2015). Report of the Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks. 25-31 August 2015, Pasaia, Spain.
ICES(2015). Report of the Working Groupon Elasmobranch Fishes. 17-23 June 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
Bal G., White, J., Johnston, G., Roche, W., O’Reilly, S., Green, P. & Fitzmaurice P. (2014). Estimates of yearly population size of Angel Sharks from Tralee Bay. Working Document to the ICES Working Group on Elasmobranch Fishes, 17-26th June 2014. Lisbon, Portugal. 8pp.
Fullerton A., Jorgensen J, Ward E. J., Scheuerell M. D., Zabel R., Buhle E., Westley P. & Bal G. (2013). Quantifying spatial structure of interior Columbia basin salmon populations. In Adaptive Management Implementation Plan, life cycle modeling document, NOAA Fisheries.
Baglinière J-L, Rivot E., Roussel J-M., Perrier C., Bal G., Prévost E., Beall E., Piou C., Lassalle G. & Rochard E. (2010). Climate change and population dynamic of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). In "Changement climatique et stratégies démographiques des populations piscicoles", Pont D. (cood.), ARP 2005 GICC2 (MEEDDM, Gestion de l’Incidence du Changement climatique), pp 6-54.
Baglinière J-L, Rivot Et., Roussel J-M., Perrier C., Bal G., Prévost E., Beall E., Piou C., Lassalle G. & Rochard E. (2008). Climate change and population dynamic of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). In “Rapport intermédiaire MEDAD », ARP Gestion de l’Incidence du Changement climatique et biodiversité (GICC2-Biodiversité): Changement global et stratégies démographiques des populations piscicoles, 36 p.
Bal G. (2011). Evoution des populations françaises de saumon atlantique (Salmo salar L.) et chagenent climatique.
Marine Institute stoock book (2016-2017)
Contribution à brochure ONEMA sur les captures de truites et saumons (2011)